• कुलगुरू प्रा.डॉ. कारभारी काळे कुलगुरू डॉ. बाबसाहेब आंबेडकर तंत्रशास्र विद्यापीठ लोणेरे रायगड यांना भारतीय संरक्षण मंत्रालयाकडून प्रतिष्ठेची मानद कर्नल पदवी अतिरिक्त महासंचालक मेजर जनरल योगिंदर सिंग यांच्या हस्ते आज प्रदान करण्यात आली. मानद पदवी म्हणजे सरांच्या उत्कृष्ट कार्याचे आणि समाजासाठी केलेल्या योगदानाचे एक प्रतीकच आहे. विद्यापीठात आयोजित केलेल्या विशेष समारंभात सरांचा सन्मान करण्यात आला.

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  • Hon'ble Shri PM Modi at ISCA 2017

    Senior Professor(HAGP). K. V. Kale was elected as section member in the Prestigious Indian Science Congress Conference Held at Mysore University.

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  • India Africa Army Chiefs’ Conclave 2023

    Army Chief General Pandeji, introduced VC Prof. Kale with Hon’ble Defence Minister Rajnath Singh ji India

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  • At Raj Bhavan, AICTE & AIU Secretariate

    Governor of Maharashtra Bhagat Singh Koshyari at Raj Bhavan Prof Kale with Chairman AICTE New Delhi & AIU Secretariate, NewDelhi,

  • Prof. K. V. Kale, Vice Chancellor of BATU

    Vice-Chancellor of the Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University (BATU), Lonere Dr Karbhari Kale called on the Governor of Maharashtra and Chancellor of Universities Bhagat Singh Koshyari at Raj Bhavan, Mumbai.

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  • Research Guide Prof. K. V. Kale

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Contact Information

Email: kvkale91@gmail.com

Prof. K.V. Kale

Brief Profile

Prof. Karbhari V. Kale serves as the Vice-Chancellor of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University in Lonere, From 19th May 2022 to 6th June 2023, he successfully fulfilled the responsibilities of serving as the Vice Chancellor on an additional charge basis at Savitribai

Brief Profile of Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. K.V. Kale

Prof. Karbhari V. Kale serves as the Vice-Chancellor of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University in Lonere. From 19th May 2022 to 6th June 2023, he successfully fulfilled the responsibilities of serving as the Vice Chancellor on an additional charge basis at Savitribai Phule Pune University in Pune, Maharashtra. With over 32 years of experience in teaching, research, and innovation, he is a renowned academician and researcher in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology. He has published over 364 research articles, 6 books, and 23 book chapters with a total impact factor of more than 24.

Prof. Kale has established state-of-the-art research laboratories in the areas of Multimodal Biometrics, Geospatial Technology, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Pattern Recognition Technology. He has also secured funding from various organizations like DST, UGC, RUSA, and Media Lab to augment these research laboratories. He has received several academic honors and professional distinctions, including the VIJAY SHREE Award, Finalist ICT Researcher of The Year 2016 ACS Australia, and Research Professor Award for the year 2016-17.

As a multidimensional personality, Prof. Kale has served on various state level committees and is a fellow member of several international and national organizations. His mission is “ICT for Society.”




Full name (in capital letters), with initials expanded, as in official records

Col. Professor Dr. Karbhari Vishwanath Kale


Date of birth

02 / 08 / 1962


Present post: Designation and grade:

Date from which held:
Name of the organisation:

Vice-Chancellor of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University (https://dbatu.ac.in/ ), Lonere, 

Former Vice Chancellor at Savitribai Phule Pune University ( Additional charge 19/05/2022 to 06/06/2023) in Pune, Maharashtra. Maharashtra, India. 

Former Director,
Board of Colleges and University Development,
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada, University, Aurangabad Senior Professor (HAGP) Higher Academic Grade Pay.
10 December, 2005
Dept. of Computer Science and Information Technology,
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada, University,
Aurangabad – 431004 (MS) INDIA.


Address for communication

Dept. of Computer Science and Information Technology,
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada, University,
Aurangabad – 431004 (MS) INDIA.


E-mail id

kvkale91@gmail.com / kvkale91@rediffmail.com / kvkale@bamu.net






Month & Year
of passing

Marathwada University, Aurangabad

Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)

II – Division

May 1985

Marathwada, University, Aurangabad

Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)

II – Division

June 1989

Marathwada, University, Aurangabad

Master of Science
(M.Sc.)Physics (Electronics)

II – Division


Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada, University, Aurangabad

Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A.)
(Faculty of Engineering & Technology)

I- Division

December 1995

Research informationResearch information (updated on  2 Feb, 2025)

Citations (Google Scholar) 2811  
h-index 28
i10-index 87
Scopus Index 15  
Research Gate Interest Score 236.1  
Research Gate Citations 171 Read: 84735
Scopus Citations 819 h-index 15, Total Documents: 125

Additional information

1 Teaching Experience 35+ Years
2 Research Experience 31+ Years
3 Administrative Experience 16+ Years
4 Awarded PhD Students 38
5 Supervising PhD Students 05
6 Awarded M. Phil. Students 08
7 Supervising M. Phil. Students 04
8 Awarded M. Tech. Students 29
9 Supervising M. Tech. Students 04
10 Supervised PG Students
(including M. Tech CSE)
more than 100+
11 National & International Journal/Conference Publications more than 395+
12 Book Published 06
13 Book chapter Published 23
14 Government National/International Association/Professional Bodies 41 Government, 11+ International bodies
15 National/International Conferences/Workshop Organized 44+
16 National/ International Conferences/Workshops Participated/Attended 46+
17 Major/Minor Research Project/ Schemes 11 Completed
18 Journal’s Editor in Chief/Member of Editorial Board 15+
19 International and National Awards 10+
20 Patent filled 09
21 Patent published 08
22 Patent Granted (International) 01
23 International conferences 111
24 National / International Journal publications 175
25 National conferences/Workshops 114